GCC University Training
GCC University is a 3-day training on key concepts and critical components essential to GCC's mission - building power for social justice in Greater Cleveland. Training will take place over three Sundays. Register in advance here. Training is free for GCC members and a light dinner will be provided during each training. Attendance for the entire training is required.
Training Dates:
Training will occur on February 26, March 5, and March 12 from 3pm-7pm at Fairmount Presbyterian, 2757 Fairmount Blvd, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118.
About the Training
GCC University will include training, role-playing, discussion and case studies on:
- Building Power: Initiate and develop public relationships through one-to-one relational meetings, develop leadership skills, create analyses to understand power.
- Action Team Training: Strategic decision-making, how to cut problems into winnable issues, and we can act on over and over again.
- Core Team and Delegate Development: Create a culture of organizing in your own institution, understand the qualities and responsibilities of a GCC leader.